Discussions on ‘The One Show’ surrounding Chancel Repair Liability - PropertyBlawg

Discussions on ‘The One Show’ surrounding Chancel Repair Liability

by CLS on October 15, 2013

On ‘The One Show’  recently there was an interesting and informative discussion on how chancel repair liability is currently affecting people and also how the change in the law will affect clients and yourselves after the 12th October.

The programme that was aired gives important information on what changes occur after the 12th October. The programme is a great way to inform colleagues and clients if unsure about what the implications are of the impending date.

Please click Here to view the programme on iPlayer (Starts approximately 2 minutes into the show – only available for 7 days).

  • Chancel Repair Liability will still affect properties      that transact post the 12th October 2013. As only 5% of properties      transact in the UK every year, this leaves 95% of properties still      vulnerable after year 1. (Please note that this 5% is not all new      properties, as many are re-transacted in following years).
  • The liability only falls away at the point of first or      next registration of a title after 12th October 2013.
  • The option for the church to register a liability      against a property is only removed after a property has transacted for      valuable consideration (i.e. not for a nominal amount or by way of      inheritance/gift etc.).

For more information on why Chancel Repair Liability doesn’t end from Sunday, please click here.

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