Why you need a lawyer to move home - PropertyBlawg

Why you need a lawyer to move home

by PropertyBlawg on February 13, 2013

Guest post explaining why you need a lawyer to move home.

Buying and selling property is one of the most common transactions that in the UK, but it is also one of the biggest financial deals most of us will ever be involved in.

As with any transaction that includes large amounts of money there are many pitfalls awaiting the unwary and also lots of legal considerations that should be taken into account.

This is why you need the services of a lawyer for a property deal. However, there are specialist areas involved in the transfer of property ownership from one party to another and this is why a conveyancing specialist is needed.

What Is Conveyancing?

Buying and selling a property involves agreeing to a legally binding contract and it must be clear that the seller has the ‘title’ to the deeds and the right to sell the property.

Conveyancing is the actual transfer of the legal title of property from one party to another and involves two major stages which are the exchange of contracts and completion.

Other Factors

A good conveyancing specialist lawyer will make sure that there are no hidden problems in the deal when you are the buyer.

For instance, they will carry out a ‘search’ which makes sure there is no planning permission which will affect the property or that there is no factor that would prevent gaining a mortgage or cause problems for a re-sale.

How Do I Choose A Conveyancer?

Many reputable firms undertake conveyancing work and Co-Op Legal Services can advise you on your own particular needs and requirements.

Often people who have moved house before will use the same legal team if they were happy with their services. There is no need to necessarily choose a locally-based solicitor for either part of the sale or purchase of a property, as it is something that can be done from any location.

Do They Have The Experience?

Many solicitors who take on conveyancing work are not specialists in the field and this can cause problems. It is best to choose someone to represent you who is dedicated to the work in hand.

How Much Will It Cost?

There are many different ways in which conveyancing solicitors charge for their work, some offer flat fee deals which can be the best option as you never know what kind of problems might crop up that lead to exchanges of more letters, legal documents and so on.

The main consideration when choosing someone to represent you in the transaction is how easy it is to keep in touch with them during the process. This can make the difference between a quick exchange and completion and lessen the chances of the deal falling through.

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