What To Do If Your House Is At Risk From Repossession - PropertyBlawg

What To Do If Your House Is At Risk From Repossession

by PropertyBlawg on June 21, 2013

Feature post outlining what to do if your house is at risk of repossession.

There are many ways to prevent repossession before it even gets close; you’ve just got to know the signs. The key is in the ability to ask for help, and not being proud or too embarrassed to get the help you need. Knowing who to ask can be part of the struggle, however, so take a look at our list of places to go to or organisations to get in contact with.

What Will Happen if I’m Under Threat of Repossession?

Before your mortgage lender can take you to court, there are a number of hoops they have to jump through first. They must tell you how much you owe them, and consequently consider a request from you to change the way that you pay your mortgage. They then must respond to any offer of repayment and give reasons why they turned it down within a certain time period. They must tell you the details of the court proceedings.

What You Can Do

There are therefore a few steps that give you the opportunity to prevent the repossession of your home. You may even be able to reach an agreement with your lender after they have begun court action. However, the sooner that you get help, the better. As soon as you realise that you may not be able to make your mortgage repayments then you should seek help. For instance, if you are being made redundant, then you should find a solicitor to help you with your redundancy compromise agreement, such as https://www.redundancyassist.com/. This means that you will gain a more favourable agreement and may help you cover your repayments while you find more work.

Civil Legal Advice

This is an organisation that gives legal advice to those eligible for free legal aid. They can give advice on a variety of different issues ranging from debt and housing to discrimination and special educational needs. They may be able to help you find a solicitor too.

Your Local Council

They will also give you free advice on what to do at any point during the process of repossession, and will help you afterwards if you need a new home or need to register as homeless.


This is a charity that helps those who are homeless or at risk of losing their homes, and can help you with any issue that you have, from renting rights to eviction and repossession.

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